Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A casual swim with MANATEES!

So the above video is not the greatest, but it is what it is, so you may be able to get an idea of what swimming with manatees is like!

Ridin' with the cool guys - You got to have a convertible if you are in Florida, even the manatees know that!

So unfortunately I can not even begin to capture in pictures or words what an amazing experience I had with these beautiful and mysterious creatures. Manatees are very sweet and calm animals and so even in their wild habitat they love human interaction. And yes, these 1,500 lb. creatures enjoy back scratches just like dogs. And yes they will turn over for you so you can get their tummies too:) I even had one use its fins to pull my hand to her and hug me! I named her Lucinda, her and I spent a lot of time together - It was incredible! I am so grateful that I have such amazing host parents!

"SUPER" host mom Maureen, wet suit on ready to get going! To the manatees or BUST!

Yes we are so ready to swim with those manatees!

Scuba gear and all waiting to scratch my first manatees back!

My roommate and I scratching the manatees! These were only a few, there were at least 50 in the area. It happened to be a perfect day so you had to be careful not to get too close or you may be bucked high into the air! yikes!

Yes I am  in heaven, without a doubt!

All glowing after such a great swim with manatees!

Thankfully they were not quite this big!

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