Monday, January 28, 2013

Photos from Week #2- Making New Friends

Preparing for our USA culture jam piece.
Leadership Round Tables Event (cast mates pictured around the table from left to right: Montana-Canada, Hunter-Colorado USA, Robin-Sweden, Maddy-Sweden, Charlie-Trinidad and Tobago, Me, Sean-Florida USA
Goofy Cast picture:) Pictured in this photo is everyone who will be traveling on the road together (still missing 4 students who are not pictured...) It is quite large group! I think we make about 120 people total.

Just having fun on culture jam night:) This is Dylan from Colorado who I happen to be holding in my arms!

My UWP admissions advisor who prepared me for such an adventure. She does much more than admissions as well though!

First CI Day (community service). Mainly Belgians in this group plus Mika from Japan and Bettina from Norway.

                                  Sunday sun time in my back yard by the pool - a few "uppies" stopped by to visit!

                                 Squeezing on the public bus on the way to volunteer!

Heading off on our first CI day for Cast A 2013, many more to come in the next 6 months.

Group picture on the playground at the orphanage where we volunteered!

Again, CI Day, waiting for the bus, we figured it was a perfect time for a picture:)

Both below and above are pictures from the Culture Jam - USA style!

Both above and below pictures were pictures from Pig Fest in Lakeland - where we ran into some of our fellow "Uppies"! When there are 120 of you, you are bound to run into each other! haha

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