Monday, January 21, 2013

Fun times with The Brownes (host family #1)

Out at the country club!

Riding in style - convertible under the gorgeous Florida night sky - it doesn't get much better than that if you ask me:) Kevin getting to drive a bunch of gorgeous ladies to the country club! Don't worry his wife is coming in another car:)

Talking about our day in the kitchen - Perfect time for a picture! You know me and my self timers, they just happen!

Mac with mouse ears - too cute!

We were all so incredibly tired,  that we became slap happy and then we all ended up with mouse ears. That was the point when Kevin and Maureen knew we needed some serious sleep!

Giving back- we asked if we could go to the nursing home where Kevin's mom stays and sing some songs. We were welcomed with joy and Mac the puppy came as well!

Family Portrait!
Names from left to right - Kevin, McKenzie, Misa, Amilee, Nikka and then Maureen and Mac the dog!

1 comment:

  1. Misa!
    It is great to see your photos, and it looks like you are flourishing as I knew you would! I honestly cannot think of anything better for you at this exact moment. Keep working hard and having fun, we will look forward to following you from afar!
