Monday, January 7, 2013

At last the journey has begun...

Alright everyone, it took me a bit to get my blog up and running but I think I have the hang of it now (thanks to my fellow Up with People [UWP] peers!). Getting to departure day was quite a task to say the least. My amazing mother Paula and lovely sister Perla were very helpful two days before I left. They pretty much packed my bag, which I realized was not so great when I arrived in Florida and had no idea where anything was, because it was tucked away so nicely. But thanks guys! It is the thought that counts right? Of course I was down and out with the winter Wisconsin virus for a good 5 days after christmas so when I should have been packing I was sleeping and wheezing, which meant my last 4 days of being home were a bit stressful. Thankfully I know my body well enough that when I broke out in stress hives I did not worry too much. Definitely emphasis on the TOO MUCH part:) The body sure does respond to emotion and change in strange ways(at least mine does). When I was finally ready to go, I said my first teary goodbyes (happy, but still teary- I am Grenier - what can I do- I express myself with ease:) to my wonderful father Paul, my incredible bro Justys and yes my charming puppy Gismo. Of course dad had to leave me with some fatherly advice on my cell phone voicemail, which only made me cry more when I listened to it! Love you too Dad! I am going out into the world and will do my best to make you proud! I'll do everything with an open heart and smile on my face! So the following day on January 4, I said goodbye to my other half (Perla) at 5am as she lay sleeping and then off I drove to the airport with mom. After my last teary goodbye I took off on an adventure that I have no doubt will change my life forever. My flight was smooth and I arrived in Orlando Florida and was greeted by more "Uppies" also known as fellow "Up with People people". Very quickly I began to make friends and the night proceeded smoothly with meeting my host family and much more. More on that will come later. The picture below is me in my suitcase with all my traveling attire! 
Here I come world, watch out!! 

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