Sunday, January 20, 2013

Pictures of week #1 of Staging and Orientation!

Making new friends ... Hunter from Colorado and Dany from Mexico!

More friends... Molly from Vermont (we brought the same exact host family gifts! haha) and Hugh from Minnesota (and  he just lived in China for a year so he is kind of international)!

Some of the cast getting ready for cast movement (AKA dancing and getting sweaty - ab workouts and pushups included!) So whenever a picture is being taken it turns into a mob because people just keep adding in. It is quite hilarious to watch actually and it can be dangerous to be a part of it! haha

Trying out our show costumes! Oh and this Abbey - we are kind of the same person in a lot of ways!

My hometeam as we call them! Just one of the many groups we can come to for support!

Roommates turned to sisters and then to best of friends... enjoying the green, green grass of Florida!
All in blue and looking cool :)

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