Monday, February 4, 2013

Week #4 Lakeland, Florida

Week # 4 of staging and orientation here in Lakeland, FL had its ups and downs. For the most part it was super fun and exhausting. In any situation where the pressure is extremely high and so much is going on you tend to have a few rough moments and mine came this weekJ There were days that you are just so energized from the passion that is in the room or you are laughing so hard that your stomach is in a ton of pain during cast bonding exercise. The next minute you may be overwhelmed with emotion because your head is spinning with a gazillion different instructions or stage directions or whatever it may be. You are definitely stretched to your limit in Up with People and you are constantly living in your challenge zone which means that I am growing as a person more and more each day.
            We did a number of things this week. We met our director of the show, which meant that we started blocking the show, which means things are starting to get very intense and picking up speed. Solos are being assigned along with dance placement and so on so forth. The feelings are high and emotions are flying. If we can just get through staging, all of it will be much smoother and things will become a little more routine. I am being considered to sing a solo in the African song Shosholooza, which is known as Africa’s second national anthem. It means encouragement, hope, freedom and looking forward! I would be honored to sing it, but we will see. Next Saturday is our premiere show of the tour so this coming week is going to be insane. It can be known as Hell Week – so here we go Cast A!
            The other things that happened this week were fun and we had a few surprises as well. On Tuesday evening the owner of Gatorland came in and we got to hold real alligators and other creatures, such as a bearded dragon, a tarantula and a python. It was super awesome. Strangely, when he first took the alligators out of their containers he literally pumped the pee out of them. It was very odd and quite humorous. We had date night on Wednesday instead of Tuesday this week, but the food and conversation were still wonderful. I had something called a “Chocolate Parfait” in a martini glass that may be the most decadent dessert I have ever tasted. We had some extra homework this week so we had to fit that into the schedule. On Friday we went  to downtown Lakeland to this event called first Friday. It happens every first Friday of the month in the little town square and the blocks around it. There is live music, vendor booths and  other stuff. Of course we met others from UWP there and had a blast dancing in the streets etc. Also on Friday we had cast bonding time, which included some crazy challenges that we pretty much accomplished. One of them was eating gallons of ice cream and toppings, which we did, but then again it turned into a full on epic ice cream fight so we all ended up sticky and laughing so hard our stomachs hurt. On Saturday we had a busy day and  I had my  first breakdown moment. Thankfully I am surrounded by amazing friends who gave me hugs and just let me cry. It just feels so good sometimes. We had people over after dinner for games, a fire and a jamming session with our voices, the piano and the guitar. Last but not least, on Sunday Maureen and Kevin took us to a lake to feed the beautiful swans! It was so cool even though one of them kept getting my thumbs! Then we went to Clearwater Beach which is ranked #1 in Florida. We ran into more of our Up with People cast mates at the beach as well. We spent the day there and watched the sunset before coming home to participate  in the biggest American tradition ever! The SUPERBOWL!!! A great fun weekend had by all!
            You know the Up with People theme song is extremely true- you really do meet them wherever you go! Haha it is a wonderful thing though! I love my Up with People people!

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