Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Week #7 - Orlando, Florida

 This week was full of fun, sun and sweat! I say this because we did a lot of fun things, it was super sunny and beautiful and we sweat a bunch because of the humidity, hot sun and all the hard work!
            We arrived in Orlando on Monday around 2pm. I  had a wonderful couple of hours, getting to know my bus date, Robin from Switzerland. He and I laughed the whole way and talked a ton about our shared passion of music and performing. We got off the bus at the city hall and got to start our week off in Orlando with a meet and greet with the mayor. Then we headed to a place where we were to meet our host families. My roommate for the week was Diana and she was such a delight. I love having roommates because it helps you get to know new people. Our host parents, Bruce and Marilyn, were a very sweet elderly couple who have hosted many people in the past. Their daughter, Diane, was also hosting a student (Haley) and so we all spent a lot of time together. Together we shared early morning car pools, dinners and a trip to Universal Studios on Sunday to top off a great week.
            As a cast we had a fast paced week with CI, a surprise trip to a NASCAR race for regional learning, two very full show days and a fun UWP event called culture fair. For my CI on Tuesday I attended a charter school full of international children, grade K-2 and work with the children. I also went to a teenage drug rehabilitation home where we got to interact and in result inspire some young boys to not lose hope. They ended up being able to attend our show, which was amazing, because they loved it and I think it gave them some inspiration to get their act together. On Wednesday I had my FSC study abroad session where I had a presentation on a chapter and 2 exams( little stressful to say the least.) Later that evening we had culture fair, which is a time for small groups to share with the rest of their cast what their culture is all about. I was in the Midwest group in the USA. Our theme was a “Walk through the Seasons” and we slowly undressed our layers, as it got warmer and warmer. We went from winter coats to swimsuits! It was quite fun! On Thursday we were expecting to go to the orange groves for regional learning, but instead the staff surprised us and we got to go see a NASCAR qualifying race for the Daytona 500 at the Daytona Speedway Racetrack! A very American thing to do, but fun for all  since most of us have never attended such an event. Then on Friday we had our set up show day. It was quite long and by the end of the night we were all sweating buckets and ready for a goodnight sleep, but alas we had to be back bright and early Saturday morning for another even longer show day. We had a tech module on Saturday which was a way for us to all understand more about what happens in the tech area of UWP. One thing we also did was put the real meaning into TRUST. We trust fell (when you let yourself fall) from the back of a truck (about 3.5 feet off the ground) into the arms of our cast mates. I now officially trust my entire cast. We truly are a family. Our two shows went pretty well, full of energy despite the sweat that dripped into our eyes. The crowd was also very energetic and responsive which was awesome! We then did our best to muster up some energy to strike the set and clean up so we can move onto Vero Beach.
            Sunday was a fun day of adventure and roller coasters at Universal Studios where our host parents work and knew the whole system! We got to catch up on some sleep and get everything organized and packed as well.
            The whole week was wonderful and full as usual and next week will only be the same. Never a dull moment in UWP and not a day is the same either! Next stop is Disney EPCOT on our way to meet the mayor and our new host families in Vero Beach, FL! Last week in “The Sunny State of Florida.” See you next wee

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