Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Pictures from Week #5 - Lakeland Florida

Above is a picture from the Superbowl Gathering my parents were so sweet to host! A few Uppies who lived near us stopped over for the game and some delicious Hooters wings (Justys I thought about you the whole time!)

Something I have been so wary of eating my entire life was snails - escargot... but what do you know my lovely Host Family- The Courageous Eye Opening Brownes as I call them convinced me to give it a try! And they were pretty delicious actually. Once again Kevin was right... never pass up the opportunity to try a new delicacy!

They just looked so snaily! 

Our last date night, at the country club! The heartfelt conversation we had brought me to tears!

After supper Amilee and I found the wonderful dress up box! Do we not look ravishing?
I wore the red jumper outfit to UWP the next day... I guess we could say I got some looks:) But I looked darn good! haha

Before the audience of 1500 filled the seats of our first show!

Country Line Dancing in the show!

The director of our show "VOICES" - Humberto!

I found Kevin at intermission - thoroughly enjoying it!

Very proud host parents after the show! They even asked me to autograph their CD:)

Pooped roommates after our first performance!

Toasting to a wonderful 5 weeks and to a roommate who is now a best friend!

Our last night as roommates Amilee and I stayed up until wee hours of the morning laughing and being over tired and making an amazing host family gift (pictures below)! As you all can see we love each other to death :) A fun night even with the short 1.5 hours of sleep! Yikes!

We made an entire scrapbook for them full of pictures, memories and lessons we had learned from each other and these are the front and back pages of the book! There was like 20 pages so you only get a preview - sorry :) 

Our last night together equipt with a toast from Kevin to our new family! 
It was a wonderful 5 weeks and I know we will stay in touch, but it is always painful to say goodbye to family so this was not any easier! Lots of tears were shed the following morning when we gave our last hugs and departed to Fort Myers. I cannot even begin to share the amount of gratitude and love I have in my heart for Kevin and Maureen Browne, I will miss them a lot, but we will stay in touch!

An exciting journey awaits and so do many more wonderful host families! Time for take off Cast A 2013! Let's hit the road jack!

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