Sunday, November 24, 2013

Week #41 - Alingsas, Sweden

Wow! What an amazing week this has been! So far I like Sweden a lot On Monday we traveled over the bridge from Denmark into the beautiful country of Sweden.
Upon arriving in Sweden the second semester group of 14 plus and two adults all left the cast for a few days to go on our second semester retreat. It is a tradition for second semesters to leave the cast for a few days to process the experience of their last year together in UWP. I was one of 5 who organized the trip and it was so incredible. We had a cabin in the woods and we had a great couple of days just being together in a big house. We had big “family meals “ every night, we played games, and processed with lots of tears and laughter our last year together. It is unbelievable how fast time goes. We also did some service work with an organization for teens with cancer. It was super awesome! We also went to this super sweet museum ( if you can even  call it that) On our personal second semester internal day we all did a polar plunge into the lake and then had to run back for 10 min. to the cabin. Thankfully there were hot beverages and a sauna waiting at the house. My favorite part of our little trip was celebrating Thanksgiving/Christmas all together. We had a funny looking Thanksgiving dinner, but it made its point and we even got to play white elephant gift exchange and everyone  loved it! Then back we went to the cast after waving goodbye to our adorable winter wonderland!
We returned to the cast and I got to meet my host family and roommate Julia (from Sweden). My family was fabulous and I loved our meals together by candlelight and I had a great time on host family day as we biked around Alingsas sight seeing. It has been so awesome getting some great fresh air this week! They loved the show and I am so happy they got to see me sing so many songs. It will be very sad to leave this home and family, because they are so fabulous and it was such a short time for me to get to know them, but I guess I just have to visit.
In UWP this week there was minimal activities because I was gone for 3 days, but when we were back we had an internal day, doing different educational activities, which was super cool. We had our first show day in Sweden with the Swedish medley and it looked amazing, I got chills when I saw it (especially the Euphoria). The show was great, the audience all loved it and now it is time for us to leave to the next city already.
  So just 2 more weeks, and honestly I have no idea how I can even begin to say goodbye to anyone.  I know the process is going to take much longer, and so I am going into the next two week with a big open heart. I just hope I can keep it open long enough without it breaking into pieces! All right off we go to a neighboring Swedish city tomorrow :)

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