Monday, November 11, 2013

Week #39 - Magdelena de Kino, Mexico

          Our last week in Mexico was fantastic! We stepped off the bus on Monday to much cooler weather, still sunny Mexico, but not the super sweating every second type weather that has been the majority of our Mexican tour. We were welcomed to our last Mexican city with a very elaborate performance of traditional music and dance performed by all ages, adorable little kids to adults! The host families were abundant and super excited to meet us as soon as the performance was done J
            I went home with my last UWP Mexican host family and they were so sweet! I had 3 host siblings (3 months, 8 years and 12 years) and only my host dad spoke English, so I got a lot of good practice with my Spanish for the last time for a while anyway. My roommate was a girl names Rose from Belgium who is super sweet and has the most different French English accent I have ever heard. We had a fun week getting to know the family and playing tickle monster with the kids. We ate like champs because our host mom was a great cook and they literally stuffed us until we could not eat another bite of guacamole! Our host sister had a black and white tie themed party for her 12th birthday while we were there and it was super fun. Our host mom is a crazy awesome party planner and did a boss job at the party decorations, favors and activities. They loved the show and it was very hard to say goodbye, because everyone was crying, which makes it the hardest thing in the world to give that last hug.
            In the UWP this week we had a full and busy week, but wait, I am pretty sure I say that every week and I promise I am not lying(we are always busy or so it seems). On Tuesday we had an internal day where we had time to create mock Ted Talks, which we called “UWP Talks” and had some other fun workshops. On Wednesday I had study abroad and I worked my butt off to get all of my to-dos done and alas I still have so much more to do. The end of the semester really picks up “busy wise” and I am starting to feel the weight of things piling up! We also had “UWP Talks” on Wednesday and it was super cool and interesting! On Thursday we had a community service work project where we walked around and collected food from people to give to the less fortunate people in this area. On Friday I worked with two other second semesters on putting together our second semester retreat. It is a good way to get a taste of the jobs that the Promotions Representatives  do and it is not easy. Saturday was our last show day in Mexico and our shows are starting to dwindle (we only have 6 left). It was a double show day and my parents got there just in time to see both shows! Our final show was a great way to end because there was probably a couple thousand people there so that was super cool! We had some friends from Cast A surprise us, which made the night super awesome J Then today I got to spend some quality time with my parents and also quality time with my “Wyoming Baker Family”! Lots of laughter and tears during the quick 24 hours that my parents were here. I also had a great time with all the uppies that were at the hotel on Saturday and Sunday with their parents as well. In general it was a great time!

            It has been a wonderful Mexican Tour and it is crazy for me to realize that I sang “Viva La Gente” for the last time yesterday. The culture of Mexico is so different and amazing in its own way and I feel so blessed to have experienced what I have in the last few weeks I have been here in Mexico. From our first beach day in our first week in Mexico, to setting baby sea turtles free during the gorgeous sunset in Mazatlan, to poison pizza in Culiacan, to Halloween in Ciudad Obregon, to our last Mexican host families and Mexican fans it has been a good last 6 weeks. It is sad to say goodbye but when one door closes another opens and so off we go to Europe to the beautiful countries of Denmark, Sweden and Italy! The weather will be a drastic change from hot to frozen and the culture as well  will go from high to low context by one simple plane ride over  the ocean. So Mexico goodbye until next time and Scandinavia get ready for Cast B to take over your world! 

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