Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Pictures from Week #41 - Alingsas, Sweden

Always at work - practicing a song on the bus! I love being surrounded by so much talent :)

Buying food for 16 people... I got buried.

Our Welcome dinner to our second semester retreat!

Regional Learning in Gothenburgh.

Cooking a whole bunch of stir fry!

Chow  Time!

After a lot of happy and sad tears ... lets just say we had puffy eyes, 2 less rolls of toilet paper and we learned that no matter what saying goodbye is never easy!

Before we took the most epic polar plunge ever! You can see we are still smiling :)

The gorgeous sunset in the woods :)

Preparation for Thanksgiving/Christmas Dinner and Celebrations!

Our Family Christmas :)

Playing an intense game of the White Elephant gift exchange!

A walk to the lake after the first snowfall :) YAY!

The victory team! Adam, Hugh, Erin S., Caleb and myself succeeded in planning a perfect second semester retreat! All the blood and sweat payed off :)

The first snow!! Leaping in glee!!

We are one big happy family! And this picture proves it.
Love you second semester family - cheers to one great year! Probably one of the best years of my life thus far. We can only go up from here!
Julia (my roommate from Sweden) and myself enjoying the music of ABBA at our host sisters dance concert!

Dinner with the host family!

A very quick, but wonderful surprise visit from one of my favorite Swedes - Robin!

Incredible meals :)

Going out in Sweden!

All bundled up to ride the bikes on a cold Swedish night.

Host Family Day!

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