Sunday, November 17, 2013

Pictures from Week #40 - Roskilde, Denmark

We are going to Europe ladies and gents!

Reunited at last with Jordan Greene - Fien and I are just a little excited :)

And this is what we were welcomed into our host families house with at 10:30 at night!
Is it safe to say I am in love with the cozy Danish culture?

Our host mom Dorthe is an incredible cook!

When Cast A and B 2013 combine! 

It is insane how fast you go back to normal with friends when your in UWP!

Cast A is back :)

For 24 hours at least ... :(

My heart both was healed and then broken again as I said hello and then goodbye all in 12 hours to this guy: Norman I love you so much it hurts.

Yep we were crying in the last song of the show when they help up these signs in the front row!
Thanks guys!

Mie from Italy my roommate and our lovely host family!

I finally got my partner in crime back :) Jordan thank goodness your here!

Nothing gets better than dancing with old friends and new friends! Europeans who surprised us, I can not even began to tell you how much joy I feel even to this moment!

Finally get to meet the women who raised my best friend! Just as wonderful as your daughter!

Host family day in Copenhagen, Denmark!

The Danish go all out in their campaigns they even use camels!

Oh just grabbing a quick snack! Thats all :)

And just when I thought I was short - I met this guy- tallest man in the guness book of world records!

Roommate Mie, my amazing host sister Julia and myself!

Tree pose whenever and wherever!

A sweet christmas drink!

Looking over the water at the beautiful billion dollar opera house

Roller coaster time!

The gorgeous late display in the Tivoli amusement park!

Our last family dinner - so delicious!

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