Monday, November 4, 2013

Pictures from Week #38 - Ciudad Obregon, Mexico


At the end of the parade the fire truck showered us with the huge house! We were soaked!

Singing in Jai Ho!

Dancing on the far left in the jean skirt, and cowgirl hat to a country song!

Dancing in a South African rhythm dance (far back left).

Singing an acapella song about letting the music play :)

Dress Twins!

Both my sisters and "blue woman group"!

The staff were minions ;)


We were big ole babies!

Dinner with the president of the state - first time dressed in our fancy #1's

Hughbert and I with the perfect dip!

Sweaty line dance party going on right here :)

Study abroad- just doing the usual :)

Josiah and myself.

Happy Halloween once again - this time college style - thus the costume :)

Uppies unite!

My baby from the Netherlands!

Host sister Alexia and my host dad.

You run into them no matter where you go on host family day!

Living the high life to say the least :)
Thank you lord is really all I can say especially right now :)

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