Monday, November 4, 2013

Week #38 - Ciudad Obregon, Mexico

            What a full week we had in Ciudad Obregon! We arrived on Monday after a full travel day where we were stopped and had to get our passports checked 3 times when crossing the borders of the different states in Mexico. That was a new experience, but I guess there is a first time for everything! When we arrived in Obregon we had a little time to freshen up after the long bus ride before our eager host families arrived to pick us up J This week I was hosted with a girl named Alexia, who was a student in UWP one year ago so she and I knew a lot of the same people.

            I had a great week with Alexia and family. They showed me the good places to eat and some beautiful spots around the city. We had a lot of late nights in UWP this week so the time we had together seemed very short and sweet. Over the weekend we celebrated Halloween in our own fun ways and then on Sunday we went to this seafood restaurant with an amazing surrounding panoramic view of a lake. It was gorgeous and worth the drive. We also went to the lagoon in town at dark and took a paddle boat out to watch the stars a bit. The weather has been beautiful this week and there has been an incredible life saving breeze everyday which helps the hot not seem so hot.

            In UWP this week we had a bit of a different schedule due to the holiday weekend where they celebrate Day of the Dead so we had a two-day weekend as opposed to the usual one. Trust me those are the little things that give us those sparks of joy! So Tuesday we had our last BTS (mini show) and it was weird doing it and realizing it was the last one I will maybe ever do with UWP. After that all of UWP participated in a big parade that was just for us and welcoming to us and it was super fun!! At the end of the parade the fire truck squirted his hose in the air and got us all soaked and clean actually after the amount we had sweat dancing for 3 miles! Wednesday we had a double show day and then on Thursday we had an internal day. Thursday was Halloween so a lot of us dressed up and came in costume for the morning activities!  Hugh, Fien and I were babies in diapers and it was pretty hilarious. Also on Thursday we had a pretty intense workshop about world hunger and then after we had a banquet with the president of the state! It turned out to be a super awesome dance party within minutes of people finishing there dinner! We had dance circles, partner dances and last but certainly not least was a super fast paced line dance! I came home extremely sleepy but super happy as well! Friday I had study abroad and we had a super fun CI (community impact/service) debrief where we shared what we had done with each other by creating a short scene. Then it was a two-day weekend and now looking back it was a very short week and it went by super fast!

             I had a great time here in Ciudad Obregon and I cannot really believe that 5 weeks of Mexico are behind us now and that only one more week remains before we fly to Europe. It barely seems real to me how fast time flies. I guess we will see how it goes when we come to those moments! But first here is a cheers (in Spanish it is “Salud”) to our last week in Mexico! Let’s soak up those sunshine rays, eat those beans and spicy foods and enjoy the blur of Spanish speaking while we can! Enjoy the last week and then we are off to Denmark and Sweden!!

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