Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Pictures from Week #29 - Jackson, Wyoming

7 hour bus date with Josiah with a whole lot of sleeping :)

A wonderful bunch of room mates (Emelie, Mallory K., Helen, Myself, ErinS., and Lauren B.)!

A night out in the center square of Jackson with ice cream and friends :)

My Hughbert

Going western style today!

Jamming away to good ole' country songs :)

Real Wyoming cowgirls at the Chuckwagon!

Oh Andrew my Mushu... somehow we get along :)

It was a family affair at the Chuckwagon!

Midwest Culture Fair! The theme was a crazy road trip through the midwestern states and one stop was in good ole' Wisconsin where they got to milk me as a Wisconsin Cow :) haha

Our sweet modes of transportation for the week.

Delicious dinner time!

Old Time Family Portraits :)

Nothing better than getting lost in the rain and dark while biking home after the show!

Roomie Snuggle Time

Pyramids are Pretty sPectacular

Team number one remains number one in the Jackson UWP Olympics :)

WE completed the challenge... somehow

Oh the crazy Fien from the Netherlands... so similar it is scary!

Fun with Leslie was a blast - surrounded by countries in this photo (Mexico, USA, Sweden, Belgium, Denmark, Japan, China, Italy, The Netherlands and Bermunda as well)!

Showtime on three - 1-2-3 - SHOWTIME!

"The Sky is the limit and I have so much farther to go :)"

My Hughbert

Friends on the mountain top :)

My Precious Pumpkin from Sweden :)

UWP choreography can be done everywhere :)

We got stuck in the swamp, but Paul was our savior!

We can even create an uppie picture in the middle of the lake - now thats talent :)

Perfect Photography!

A portable hammock!

Incredible Host Family Day

Superheroes to the rescue!

Potluck dinner as the sun set over the mountains.


Uppie love before the trampoline broke :)

Last night in Wyoming - what a beautiful place :)

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