Sunday, August 11, 2013

Week #27 - Denver, Colorado (Summer Staging 2013)

    Well, well, well where do I even begin. This week was crazy! It was what we call production week in staging, which means all we do is the show. There are no workshops and everything we do throughout the day has to do with rehearsing the show etc. So with that said the energy was high, the pressure was on and all sorts of emotions from excitement to all sorts of nerves were flying around the cast. We did have one session where we got meet in our home teams and it was the perfect thing because the activity that our home team did was just what we all needed. We wrote all our negative emotions and feelings and frustrations down on a ceramic plate and then we got to smash them against the wall. It felt so good to let it all go like that! And then let all the positive energy flow in J

   We actually made a lot of changes to the show in the last few days before opening night and just 2 days before our first show it seemed as though nothing was ready for an audience. Dances were not ready; solos were not ready and so and so forth. But as the saying goes “the show must go on” and that is just what it did. And by some miracle it was fantastic. We all did our very best and worked super hard and it was a fabulous show all around. We had two shows that day and the second one was a full house, so the energy of the audience helped everything a lot. Also a whole bunch of my cast mates from Cast A 2013 (last semester) traveled to Denver for the weekend so having their smiling faces in the crowd helped me to perform better than ever. It was so nice to see them and it felt like I was right at home when we had a little get together and were talking about lives and last semester (even though it was just 2 months ago!). All in all the weekend within UWP was awesome. Great shows and I really love Cast B! We are ready to take the show on the road for sure and start touring. Now the real fun begins!

    In our host family his week things were busy of course. We stayed a little later in the evenings and so the delicious family meals continued and the movie nights and the laugher and good talks. We actually got to go to Cirque du Soleil again for free because the company manager loved UWP and being involved in it while we were here in Denver so she arranged for everyone in the UWP to get free tickets as well as their host families. We had almost front row seats it was amazing. We also got the pleasure of meeting another one of the artists and coaches from the show Amaluna” when they came into to talk to the cast. In general I feel so at home here in Denver with my host family the Kochevar’s and saying goodbye tomorrow morning is going to be painfully hard. I feel so apart of the family and saying goodbye to roommate from Mexico this morning killed me so I can only imagine tomorrow. We are having a delicious Thanksgiving Feast for our last family meal and then I get to go say goodbyes to all my friends from Cast A that are visiting including one of my closest friends Amilee. So none of that will be easy, but I am sure the night will be filled with laughter and tears and stories and fun of course J

            So here is to the end of staging as a second semester. I made it through and it was not so bad after all. Of course there are always ups and downs in life, but if what I am dealing with right now is the worst thing for me in life at the moment, well then I am pretty darn blessed. No let me say that again. I am extremely blessed and I do not have enough words of gratitude to express the way I feel. Here we go Cast B on our tour around the world!

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