Thursday, August 22, 2013

Pictures from Week #28 - Sheridan, Wyoming

First Cast B travel day from Denver to Sheridan!

CI Day at Habitat for Humanity!

Potluck at Andrew's real house :)

Twerk Tuesday in the hot tub...

I advertise wherever I go!

Study Abroad Day - driving trolly style :)

Tubing with the Grenier cousins - what else is new?

The whole road trip clan! 

I performed extra well for these lovely folk!

Matching glasses - we be looking darn good!

Dr. Paul visits a very excited Cast B! 

Raging, Rocking and Wonderful Roommates: Nicole, Erin S., Brekken and Miguel!

Jumping around the world! Here we are in Wyoming!

Picnics on the rocks :)

Roomie love!

Four wheelers - feeling the real Wyoming :)

Four wheeler rides in the mountains as the sunsets - Gorgeous :)

Family Fun Photo!

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