Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Pictures from Week #27 - Denver, Colorado (Summer Staging 2013)

Last week with my roomie Brekken (well sort of... we still have many months together :)

With the featured dancer from Cirque du Soleil

At Cirque... 

We figured that we can eat popcorn because the people in Cirque do... so we are halfway there ;)

Roomies with our host parents!

Another amazing artist from Cirque came into to share her wisdom with the Cast :)

Let out those negative thoughts!

And now bring in the positive...

Skype time with friends from Cast A!

Oh wait we don't have to skype... a bunch of Cast A cast mates came to visit :)

Show time - getting pumped up for the opening night!

And "here we are and now the story is changing :)"

Mini Cast A reunion! 
(Not pictured, but were there : Beyah, Breeken, Dylan and all the staff from last semester!)

Campfire and sing along with Cast A friends before saying a painful goodbye for a second time!

Reunited... for 2 short days, but still!

Our last host family meal - we had Thanksgiving since Cast B will in Mexico during that wonderful holiday! 

Thanks for a great month Denver, Colorado!!
Next stop : Sheridan, Wyoming!

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