Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Week #30 - Bozeman/Big Sky, Montana

          Well another wonderful week in Up with People. Really I could start every weekly entry by saying that same sentence because UWP is really that incredible.
            But moving on, this week we left the gorgeous state of Wyoming and headed to its good ole’ neighbor Montana. We were able to drive through Yellowstone Park and stop and see the epic sight of Old Faithful! It was a wonderful travel day full of beautiful views and interesting sights. When we arrived in Bozeman we headed off to our new host families. I had a sweet little 2-year-old host brother and a lovely couple, relatively new to the Bozeman area, but they were a very sweet family and I enjoyed reading little Jordan to sleep and playing ball with him as he realized his insane amounts of energy! I actually was only with them until Friday morning because for the weekend I was with my old host family “The Bakers”.
     Susan Baker has a vacation home very near Bozeman so she came up for the weekend and we (Miguel, Erin, Nicole, myself and her daughter Brekken), joined her there for the long Labor Day weekend off and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. We spent time sleeping in, having deep talks, laughing constantly, relaxing, having family meals, riding on ski lifts to the top of mountains, hot tubbing, having super intense air hockey tournaments and as a bonus we got to go zip lining! It was an amazing weekend, which we all needed and enjoyed immensely! Saying goodbye to them gets harder every time because they have all (roommates and Baker family included) become like a family to me.
     In UWP this week we had a much shorter week than usual. On Tuesday I went to Habitat for Humanity for my community service day. It was a lot of physical work and it felt so good. I also had a wonderful time getting to my cast mates, which is one of my favorite things about service days. On Wednesday I had study abroad and we got caught in the rain a few times – a fun experience for all J We also had culture fair for the European and Asian countries and it was a ton of fun. It was full of games, different types of food and fun facts. Both Thursday and Friday we had show days and quite the shows they were. We had some challenges but we overcame them as a cast and it brought us much closer. We also had a cast meeting with Paul Whitaker, who talked about the meaning of life and home team time, which was embarrassing story time J Then we had 2 days off for labor day weekend, which almost never happens in UWP.
    Overall the week was fabulous and I am excited for Billings Montana next week because so far I have loved every city and I feel as though things can only get up from here J This has been a great US tour and semester so far and Mexico sounds like it will be great as well so thank you UWP for all these amazing moments. I feel blessed.

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