Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Week #32 - Cheyenne Indian Reservation/Lame Deer, Montana

           What a week it has been in the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation! I can easily say without a doubt that each person had a very unique experience and individually was challenged in their own way. We went into a community that needed us to come. It was not really because we were wanted, but mainly because we were needed. Though we all had challenges throughout the week and on the outside maybe it did not seem like we were making an impact we really were. We were changing lives simply by making the effort to reach out to the community in a place where most people choose not to go. The goal of the week was not only to help the individuals within the community, but also to find a way to build a bridge of understanding between the communities just off the reservation. We also wanted to help spark some inspiration in their hearts to act on their own and change what is around them simply because they can.

            On Monday we traveled into the reservation, on the way stopping at the Battle Field of Little Big Horn and learning all about the importance of that in the Cheyenne tribe native culture. When we got into Lame Deer we had a super cool welcoming session where we heard stories from some of the wise elders and were blessed as a group with sweet grass and native prayers. We also learned how to set up a teepee before having a potluck dinner with all of our new host families. I was at the prayer lodge so all of us girls instantly started speaking with our contacts. When we arrived home it was in a beautiful area, all alone on a hill surrounded by gorgeous open fields and a wonderful sunrise and sunset each day. The motto of the prayer lodge was “ A place for women to be” and it was exactly that. We had a great time getting to know one another throughout the week. My roommates were Shawna, Lauren W., Lauren B., Myself, Laura, Sanne and Abbey B. We spent many nights with our host mom April who is a native of the Cheyenne Tribe and she told us all we needed to know about anything involving the reservation and Cheyenne Tribal Culture.

            During the week we learned some native dancing, looked at her old items her grandma has beaded, had two delicious dinners (we had a busy week in UWP) and on the last night with her we had the opportunity to partake in the sweat. It was an incredible experience that I think everyone should try and I mean that full heartedly. We also did something called energy drawings for each other and it was so cool to test and then realize how powerful our intuition really is. Thus the saying goes always trust it. The whole experience at the prayer lodge was great. Whether we were meditating at sunrise or lying under the stars in the autumn breeze, we all bonded a lot and were able to have a relaxing week.

            In UWP we did many things as usual. We went into over 4 different schools to do workshops and wow did we all have some challenges! Why? Simply because education on the reservation is far from anything we have ever been acquainted with. However, we grew so much from that and I am thankful to have that experience with the classroom workshops. It triggered conversation and eventually helped you resolve whatever it was and things are much better, always J I had study abroad during the day as usual and that evening we had a drum circle and potluck gathering with all of our host families. It was super awesome, that got in the dark, which we need to get out. On Thursday a group of us arose super early to go into Billings to do a BTS for a service group of volunteers. Friday and Saturday we were busy as can be putting on show after show for all who could come. This was the place we most definitely saw some big change and also witnessed people regaining some sort of hope in their lives. We had a very busy week, but as we talked amongst each other and shared stories from ourselves and from our host families we were all able to fully understand what it is like to live on the reservation and it is not easy at all. Our minds were opened and I think we all realized how much more we could give as long as we live with open hearts and focus on things step by step. It is the little things that matter especially in this case. Although we all had moments of frustration and maybe missing our homes, we really changed lives this past week and all of the things we had to push through were all worth it. Simply knowing we bridged communities together is a really wonderful feeling.

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