Sunday, May 5, 2013

Week #17 - Sint-Pieters-Leeuw, Belgium

          This week in Sint-Pieters-Leeuw, Belgium has gone by unusually fast. We were in a small town (the hometown of one of our PR’s, which is extra special), just a 20-minute drive from Brussels. The week overall was wonderful, the shows, the CI sites and the regional learning were all great, which resulted in a fabulous week.
 Arriving on Monday we had a lot of internal time where we participated in an education workshop that the two education interns presented. It was about recognizing how we have grown, been challenged and  impacted by others. It was really good and really intense. It drew up a great deal of emotion considering we only have 5 weeks left together. We also had time to prepare for Expression Session, a time where we get to perform whatever we want for each other. I was an emotional mess before meeting the host families, but I managed to compose myself and they instantly connected with me as I did with them. I was the first American they had ever met in person and they just thought it was the coolest thing and I loved that I could bring the culture of America into their home just by being myself. Throughout the week I helped the kids with English, played with their rabbit Dribble, went bowling with them and had some friendly competition.  I ate home cooked meals that were delightful, went into Brussels and got a small tour of the gorgeous cities and “must sees” and of course they came to the show and loved it. I became a role model for the kids and a friend for the parents. It will definitely be hard to leave tomorrow, but I am sure they will come visit me in the US someday.
We had 2 show days, one on Wednesday and one on Saturday. Both days we had to transform a large empty gymnasium type room into a beautiful stage, but we managed J We had two great shows full of passion and emotion. One of them in particular was very special because our vocal instructor performed the father/son song to his father and it made us fully understand the message of the song.
Tuesday I had Study Abroad and then on Thursday I was on striking the stage. I have already learned so much in my band internship, but I sure hope to start learning some music on the different instruments. On Friday we had regional learning and we got to go to a local Belgian Brewery and see how the beer gets made and yes we got to taste it as well. Simply the best J There is a reason Belgium is known for its chocolate, waffles and beer, they are something special. Also on Friday we had what we call “Home Team Olympics.” All fun and games but we take it seriously.  If you can imagine a large group  of competitive, passionate and enthusiastic young adults you may begin to understand what an afternoon we had. Let’s just say we all went home exhausted, some of us a little bruised… I re-strained my shoulder that had finally got back to normal after last hockey season. Nice work Misa! Haha
As usual, Sunday was host family day. Because my family had other plans, I went into Brussels with friends and their host families. I got to see the King’s Palace and Courtyard, Delirium (a famous pub in Belgium with over 2,000 types of beer), both of the “Pis” statues (Mannikin and Jannikin), very interesting indeed. We soaked up the sun, the gorgeous architecture of Europe and drank some Belgian beer in good company. In the evening I got to Skype my real family and see some surprise lovely faces of my extended family! Love you all Wade, Michele, Connor, Kirklan, Elise, Mike, Kathy, Jacie, Clayton and of course my real family (Paul, Paula, Justys and Perla).
It was a wonderful way to end the day and it made me realize how lucky I am to have people back home who love me and cannot wait to see me. I also have people who I am with right now who also love and support me and cannot wait to see me tomorrow morning, even though we have only been away for a day! How incredible!
Now we move on to our last week in Belgium and last week in Europe! A week from today we are headed to the wonderful and crazy Mexico! I am so pumped! Cherish every moment because we only have 5 weeks left. That’s my motto everyday… to enjoy every precious moment!

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