Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Pictures from Week #19 - Naucalpan, Mexico

In the Frankfurt, Germany Airport!
Viva La Gente headed to Mexico!

Yay Sunny, gorgeous Mexico!

School Projects with the children! This is the day signed over 100 autographs!

My host puppy Snowy! She actually had a different outfit on everyday! I swear to you!

My host family and host cousin (who was with us a lot!)

Eating classic Mexican Food!

Oh the wonderful foursome, by accident wore the same tshirts to match our appropriate partner!

Band Instructor and his Intern :)

Host Family Day downtown Mexico City learning about the Aztecs!

Oh just a normal day in the life of Misa...

Wait, what? A toilet with a glass window, 37 stories above Mexico city? What a view to have while your on the pot! 

Super Crew setting up the never know what you will find in a donated a mask!

All of us had host sisters that were friends so we found ourselves at a young teenage birthday party!
Hmmm... lets make the best of it :)

Eating a cricket - yummy?!?! not so much for me anyways...

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