Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Pictures from Week #18 - Tielt, Belgium

The Gorgeous city of Brugge, Belgium! Look at that European architecture! 

Perfect photo op over the river :)

I believe I can fly!

Same type of picture but different people!

Lounging in the park :)

Healthy snacks on the bus! 

Last host family in Europe! 

Teaching African Dance at a girls juvenile detention facility!  (I am the one who is very small in blue and purple).

Performing a song for my cast mates with Molly during Expression Session! 

Last shows in Europe! From now on it is Viva la Gente not Up with People! 

Out for drinks with the host family!

Love those moments when you go out to a bar in a town where there are only two bars and of course you run into about 30 UWP people! Makes for a fun night of surprises!

Here is part of the group...

Me trying not to have a double chin in the picture... of course it looks like I am making the choking symbol... John looks great behind me and he is in perfect position to give me the hiemlich! So all is good in the hood :)

And another part of the group :)

We match! 
I could not take my nose out of the lilacs... they reminded me of my yard at home!

Eating balls of flour and oil with chocolate on top! You got to love Europe!

My lovely roommate Simone from Denmark! 

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