Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Pictures from Week #17 - Sint-Pieters-Leeuw, Belgium

Making Belgian fries with the family!

Trying the famous Kriek Beer of Belgium!

Out bowling with host family!

Show night!

STRIKE! The mini strike team!

Out in Brussels for the evening with host family!

Regional Learning at the Brewery!

Cheers-Proost-Salud-Sante! (Its bad luck to not look each other in the eyes when clinking glasses!)

Soaking up the sun and the gorgeous Belgian landscapes!
"We are happy, we are joyful, only good things come our way! HAHAHAHAHA!"

John and his scary mustache... never again! 

Hometeam Olympics - We were the bad@$$ gangstas and we were unstoppable! We were like a pack of wolves and we worked like one too!

Amilee and I with chocolate pudding beards! Chocolate Addiction! Yikes!



Jumping in front of the Kings Palace!

Outdoor Urinals... so interesting! haha

Picnic in the Kings Courtyard!

A small dip in the fountain :)

"Mannikin Pis" - what is it so special about him in Brussels? I just don't know... haha

Now this is what you see at a REAL BELGIAN STYLE WAFFLE stand!
Goodbye WAFFLE HOUSES of the USA - you have got some crazy competition!

The forks are so tiny - you can not avoid the chocolate everywhere!

Standing in the exact center of Europe! 

Just so many types of Beer at Delirium... (up to 2,000) that is a butt ton! Look at all those taps and brands not one is the same!

I mean had to have a toast to our last weeks in Europe and not only that but Belgium, the land of the Beer! So good and so fun!

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