Monday, March 25, 2013

Week #11 - Geneva, Switzerland

       This week has been quite the transition week with the feelings flying like fireworks! We made the big leap and flew overseas to Europe where we will be for 2 months! The week has gone by very fast and the routine was very different, which I think we will see many times on the European leg of the tour. Things are just different, not drastically, but noticeably. For example, here in Switzerland everything is very expensive and they greet each other by giving 3 kisses on the cheek. First left cheek, then right, then left again. We are in the French speaking part of Switzerland right now so the language is a big change of course. You can drink water from anywhere, even the bathroom sinks and it all tastes so fresh and good! Also public transportation is very timely. Like when it says the train will arrive at 9:52pm that is exactly when it arrives on the dot (different from my experience in Mexico for sure.) Lots of other things as well, but those are just quick things.
            The week began as usual with Monday as our travel day. We had some internal time before we left for Europe where we practiced our music for Europe. We also had a little dance party to say goodbye to the U.S. and to conclude our U.S. tour of VOICES with Cast A 2013. Then we loaded the buses and headed off to the airport. We arrived at 4pm for a 9:45pm flight departure, only to discover that our flight was delayed until 1:15 am. It turned out to be a very fun evening with our food vouchers and games of “Never have I ever…”. We also witnessed a huge hailstorm while we waited to check our bags. It sure takes a long time for 115 people to go through the check in line and security.  We finally took off to London and most of us slept the entire 6-hour flight over the ocean. In London we were rushed from terminal to terminal to get to our departing flight for Geneva Switzerland on time. Thankfully everyone made it and just two hours later we landed in Switzerland. After the buses were loaded we headed to the place where we would meet our host families. We met our first French speaking host family and thankfully they spoke some English. Bedtime came quickly because we had two show days starting the following day.
            The rest of the week was so odd for me. I hit a sort of plateau and I was under the weather all week with a cough and runny nose but in UWP you just keep pushing. We had a show day on Wednesday, which included lots of rehearsal, and around 1pm everyone was hit with crazy jet lag! Yikes! FYI- our show was still good of course. We found the energy and performed well despite the circumstances. Thursday was also a show day, but in the morning we had a really intense workshop, which was very emotionally draining for me. Wow… I think I cried and processed things for about 2 hours straight. We went deep and explored some tender areas. Some how our show was extremely good probably due to the emotional charge from our workshop earlier in the day that radiated in the room!
            On Friday and Saturday we had days full of CI’s all around Geneva Switzerland and a Scavenger Hunt (a fun way for us to see the beautiful city of Geneva) and I also had some study abroad time in there as well. We used public transportation (which was exciting) and learned how to get around in a place where everything is in French and where stuff just does not make sense and is all so very different.  Geneva is beautiful and the lake and view from my bedroom window is gorgeous. It was rainy the last couple of days, but we did get some days with sun. It is funny how you do not really believe all the pictures you see of different countries until you get there and realize Wow! Those were real pictures. Also, the stereotypes about European drivers really are true.  They are insane and the roads are so small and curvy, how will I stay alive! On Saturday evening a bunch of us went out to a small pub called Mr. Pickwick’s. It was so much fun! There was live music in one room and in another room there was a dance club. The 36 of us who were there had a blast, but we are very excited to go out somewhere (not in Switzerland) when a beer is not $9! On Sunday I ended up catching up on well-needed sleep. I slept for 15 hours straight until 5pm. Our host family was gone for the weekend so it was fine, but I never knew I could sleep that long! Our house we live in is beautiful and so very big! The doors seem to lead to endless rooms with beautiful art and furniture and everything is just so nice. Our family actually goes to Africa to hunt a lot and they have a house in France where they go and hunt as well. I had 3 brothers in my host family and parents of course. Also living in their house was a girl from Romania (the maid) and we got to meet their cousin as well.
            They week has been exhausting and funky but I think the transition has been made for me and I am ready for the rest of Europe! Tomorrow we leave to another part of Switzerland where they speak German so maybe I will have language culture shock all over again after hearing French all week.
           Fun fact: In Europe the women are expected to buy the first drink in a date like situation and then the men respond by buying a drink as a thank you. So different then Northern America!!!!

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