Friday, March 22, 2013

Week #10 - Atlanta, Georgia

    This week has been so full of many different emotions and feelings - physical, mental and emotional! On Monday we left Statesboro and made our way to Atlanta, which was our last city in the USA. The travel day went pretty fast and when we arrived in Roswell GA (North Atlanta) we had some free time and we all explored a very cute downtown and got caught in the rain. I had a small cold and cough and was a little worried about getting to run down before Switzerland. My new roommate for the week (or until I went with my parents) was Lena from Norway and my host family was great as well - Mike and Nikki with their sweet little baby boy Grayson. Tuesday morning I decided I needed to take my first sick day and so I stayed home and took a day to recover, the best that I could. It was nice to sleep in and drink a lot of tea. It was weird not talking to anyone and being silent for such a long period of time. It made me realize just how much energy we all use each day just being together and talking. It was crazy to think about. Wednesday I was still not up to par, but went anyway to my study abroad  class and we actually got to see our professors! YAY! It was great to spend time with both Theresa and Pete and my class (SA FSC students) got to lead the cast in a small workshop as well. Wednesday night I said goodbye to my host family and packed up my stuff because Thursday I was seeing my family and good friend, Reese! I was excited all day in anticipation of their arrival. They pulled an “all nighter “ and drove16 hours from Wisconsin on Wed eve to come and see our show. After a day of regional learning, seeing the capitol in Atlanta and   doing a “meet and greet” with the mayor, they finally pulled up and I got those hugs I had been waiting for. It was wonderful to spend the night and the next few days with Reese and my family! It was full of laughter and fun and everyone I introduced them to at UWP loved them. They visited the UWP group on Friday and my parents (chiropractors) adjusted most of cast/crew. We had an awesome show on Friday night and the cast really felt their “life force flowing!” My little sister Perla (12 yrs.) said she cannot wait to join UWP and my brother Justys (15 yrs) attended the Open Door Day and  was also really interested. Reese was a guest student for the Friday and Saturday show days. We had 3 shows over the two days and I had my highs and lows on learning how it is to deal with a professional show and so on. I think I was also just emotional because I realized how crazy it is that we are leaving to Europe so soon! I also got the wonderful pleasure of getting to see Betsy and Aidan Farrell because they drove down from North Carolina to see the show and spend some time with us! On top of that my aunt Jennifer from Alaska was at her mother in laws in the area and made the 2-hour drive over to see the show as well. I felt so much love and support this weekend from family, friends and Up with People people! I am so very grateful for everyone in my life. After the show on Saturday Reese and I drove to meet my extended family. We spent Sunday hanging with my immediate family and the Alaskan family that  we rarely get to see! I spent the day shedding pounds from my suitcase as I packed my stuff getting ready to cross over the big pond for the first time ever in my life!
            It has been a wonderful 2 months in the USA with Cast A 2013. It is sad to see this chapter of our journey ending, but I am so excited to conquer the great lands of Europe and Mexico with Cast A - my lifelong friends! So tomorrow we are off to Geneva, Switzerland and I am nervous and excited to see what all Europe has to offer!
                                     “We are leaving on a jet plane!” 

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