Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Pictures from Week #13 - La-Chaux-de-fonds/Neuchatel, Switzerland

Birthday Bus Date - John Lanham (Vocal Instructor)


La-Chaux-de-Fonds Host Pick up - New roommate Abbey!


View from house window.

The mountain valley!

Community Impact !

My roommate Abigail :)

A street named after me! It really is a french name!

Matching shirts!

Regional Learning in La-Chaux-de-Fonds

Belgian French Fry Style

Show Day!

Late night presents and snacks with host family!

Out to dinner with the host family... Wine is much stronger here:)

So much whip cream!

Host Family...
Rachel, Elliot, Christelle, Sebastian, Abigail and Myself

Until next week...

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