Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Pictures from Week #14 - Vaduz, Liechtenstein

Bus date (Andrew Erusha, Lighting Technician) from Switzerland to Liechtenstein! We saw 13 castles!

Regional Learning - "The Amazing Race"! Best group for sure!

My pro self timer photos almost got my camera killed as a car was inches from the camera (you can not tell but there is a road in front of us and the car was just about to pass by!
The Prince and his castle. He really lives there :)

Gorgeous valley of Liechtenstein!

Host Pick up - Martin (my new host dad), was dressed as the Black Swan!

Cast Dinner (5 countries at 1 table!)

Cast Tshirts from the Sponsor!

My host parents, Bianca and Martin!

After the Show after party!

Dancing the night away!

Hughbert, the biggest and best teddy bear ever waltzing me around the dance floor!
View from the deck of my host families house :)

Brunch with relatives and naturally other Uppies were there.

In the mountains, in a small ski resort village.

Beautiful Sunday Host Family hike to see the views! I could see Switzerland, Austria and Liechtenstein and all three alpine mountain ranges to go with the countries! Europe is nuts!

1 comment:

  1. Bianca and Martin look super chill! It's so beautiful!!! xoxo
