Monday, December 30, 2013

Week #44 - Pictures from Rome, Italy


First night in Rome with our Italian host mom! What a wonderful woman she is - sassy and full of life!

Exploring the Colosseum...

Seeing the Roman Forum...

There were seriously huge Christmas trees everywhere!

In International Costumes out doing community service in Rome... you don't do that everyday :)

Out to celebrate a birthday, out to have some drinks and be merry in the holiday season :)

The Trevi Fountain with Molly!

Oh the delicious and famous gelato.

Got to have at least one jumping photo!

Touching the Vatican!

Nature in Rome in the gorgeous winter weather :)

Italian cooking lessons with our host mom ;)

Molly and I... well... just I guess :)

Getting in the Christmas spirit!

Inside the government building in Italy (equivalent to the white house here in the US).
There is just so much gold!

Performing at the Vatican in Saint Peter's Square!

The last Hoorah - Performing for the Pope! We even sang him Happy Birthday!

Our last moments together!

My little family together for the last time for a while :(
How can I say goodbye?

The group that stayed in Rome for a little bit longer...

We shared a 10 bedroom hostel!

Out on the town, in the bars, on the bridges - a gorgeous night :)

At Fien's house - discovering that we really do have family all around the world!

Going out in Amsterdam... it gets crazy with the Dutch!

Exploring Amsterdam! The red light district and all...

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