Monday, December 2, 2013

Pictures from Week #42 - Gothenburg, Sweden

Their dreams of becoming models are becoming reality - slowly but surely.

You have got to love that public transportation!

The super six! We took those buses and trams by storm - photoshoots and all!

The biggest candy store I have ever seen!

Family and friends and boyfriends/girlfriends for fondue and family dinner. 

The "One Piece" a very popular thing in Scandinavia right now!

It is Christmas time in Sweden (on this exact day it was Thanksgiving back in the USA).

Liseberg! The famous christmas market- so beautiful!

Hello Swedish Santa!

Brekken and I on a mini date on the ferris wheel :)

After the incredible ice show - so many things to be thankful for, but especially friends who care for you so much!

My host dad won a gigantic chocolate bar!

Robin - soon to be my famous Swede! - and his band (MAYSIN) came to the show and loved it. It was so good to take some time to catch up a little bit!

Out in Gothenburg with our host sisters!

I just love this picture so much!
Jordan and I are like Thing 1 and Thing 2 when we get together :)

Baking Santa Lucia buns on host family day!

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