Monday, October 28, 2013

Week #37 - Culiacan, Mexico

The week started off pretty great with super fun arrival day activities into the lovely city of Culiacan! Saying goodbye to the gorgeous west coast of Mexico was not easy, but it was time to move inland! We arrived and had a busy schedule filled with touring a museum about addiction, which was super fascinating. We also learned some traditional Mexican dancing and jammed out to a Mexican techno/rock band! Before our host families arrived, we had a press conference and were welcomed into the beautiful city of Culiacan.
This week I was hosted with Leslie (the Cast Manager with whom I have been studying under these past weeks) and Lina a super awesome girl from Canada and Belgium! We had a lovely host family with a beautiful neighborhood and house and the beds were actually like heaven. I have not slept so well in months. We had two host siblings - a 15 year old sister and a 17 year old brother who spoke pretty good English. Our host parents spoke no English so we had ample time to practice our Spanish, which is always great J I could almost swear to you that our host mom is a Mexican chef! The breakfasts were overflowing every morning and our dinners were 5 course meals and everything was always so healthy, delicious and plentiful! We felt very spoiled this week and we also had great bonding time with our host family! We talked in broken Spanish and translated into English for Lina. Each night at dinner we laughed as we took funny pictures and told stories. On host family day we walked in the beautiful sunshine along the lake to a restaurant where we ate a delicious buffet of Mexican food outside as we overlooked the lake shining in the sun. Later we went to another host family’s house in the nearby neighborhood and had a fun little evening gathering. We ended the night by going night swimming at a place that had 3 crazy awesome pools!
In Up with People this week, we felt like busy performing bees. We had 3 mini shows this week and then a double show day on Saturday. The only days we were not performing were Monday (travel day), Friday (Internal Day with the cast) and Sunday (host family day). It was also my last week as cast manager intern so I was personally an extremely busy bee!  I finished my internship, prepared resumes and cover letters to apply for UWP jobs, along with all the other normal weekly duties I do such as homework, meetings and doing the tasks for the committees I am on. In general I felt as though I barely had time to catch my breath. I was always doing something whether it was a 10 min break or a 2-hour lunch, I always had some mission to attend to.
Tuesday I attended my final planning session as an intern and then proceeded to do a mini show. Wednesday I had study abroad before another mini show. On Thursday I had classroom workshops before performing in a mini show and then on Friday we had a break from shows. As much as we love to sing and dance, it was nice to get away from the autographs, endless pictures and fame for a day. During internal day we practiced our Denmark and Swedish medleys and had cast university – a time where we do workshops for each other. We had a great workshop on gratitude, positive manipulation and appreciating each other, which was put on by the education interns and finally as second round interns we got to announce the final round of interns! We were dressed as super hero interns so naturally that is extra exciting! On Saturday we had a super long double show day and we were all in 80’s themed clothing to make it extra fun! Unfortunately, after the first show we had pizza for dinner and the meat on the pizza did not sit right. At intermission of the second show that expression about poop hitting the fan came to life! People were dropping like flies but in consideration of the “full house,” those of us who could, pushed through and we managed to put on those smiles and perform our best, despite what was going on internally! What a night to look back on and laugh and remember J
Two more weeks left in Mexico and then off to cold Europe! Time to soak up the sun and enjoy it while it lasts! Hello Obregon – adios Culiacan!

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