Monday, October 14, 2013

Week #35 - Los Mochis, Mexico

         Well this week we made our way a little bit further down the coast of Mexico to a town called Los Mochis. It is very similar to Guaymas, because it is also almost directly on the beach. We had a nice long bus ride on Monday and arrived around 5pm. It was hotter than heck when we stepped off the bus and we were sweating within minutes J Leslie is back so its nice to have my staff member back, but it was also interesting to go from being one person to two again J I had to say goodbye to my good friend Jordan for a while because she was going ahead of the cast to be a PRI and help set up our first city in Denmark. That was really hard, but then I met my host family and they were great right off the bat.
My family this week was my mom and dad and then 3 siblings, Jose Manuel 24, Joel 19 and Paulina 15! Jose’s girlfriend, Fernanda, was pretty much like my sister by the end of the week and she is wonderful! I am going to miss them all very much. Jose and Paulina spoke good English and the rest of the family mainly Spanish. I was able to share all about my community, family, state and country with them and I had a great time getting to know them as well. The first night they took me up to the top of this mountain  to see the view of the city and then the next few days we enjoyed talking at the table etc. and sharing pictures and stories with both broken English and Spanish. They absolutely loved the show and now they love “Viva la Gente” (Up with People in Spanish) and all want to be a part of it. On host family day we rested and then went to the beach in the afternoon before a relaxing evening of goodbyes and laughter. As stated before, I am really going to miss them! Just when I begin to feel at home, they start calling me their sister etc. I have to go. Come on UWP? Can’t we just stop time for a little bit?
In UWP this week we were extremely busy everyday. On Tuesday we had internal day which was wonderful. We spent the time in an air conditioned room (key word is A/C because it was about a hundred degrees outside and the humidity makes it even hotterJ). We did workshops and had a student meeting with no staff, which is always a fun way to get to know each other better etc. On Wednesday I had study abroad and then we had a workshop created by a few cast mates on human trafficking. It was super eye opening and informational. On Thursday I got to feel like a staff member for the day and go to a planning session as a part of my internship. My mind was blown many times in the meeting as I watched and finally understood how they are able to plan logistics for 100 people and have everything be so smooth. It was incredible to see and I love learning about all the behind the scenes things. Friday we had an interesting day because a group of us went an hour away to do a mini show. It was a fun, but long day and we had a lot of time to practice dances and songs. Then on Saturday we had  our first outdoor show this semester and it was pretty sweet. It was a big stadium and there were easily 2,000 plus people there. The day was beautiful and as the sunset it was a gorgeous sky going into the show. We had a great show and then broke everything down and went home to our host families thoroughly exhausted J
Next stop is Mazatlan and I have heard so many great things about the beauty of the ocean and beaches. I am so excited to watch the sunset and see the brightest colors of orange in my life and I thoroughly look forward to more hot weather J! Yay! Here we come gorgeous Mazatlan! Our last beach city, you better make it worthwhile!

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