Saturday, July 27, 2013

Week #23 & #24 - Denver, Colorado (Summer Staging 2013)

           Since arriving on Monday July 8th, I have felt so happy again. Being in Up with People is like a comfort to me now and I feel at home once again. The first week of class flew by as I caught up with old friendships and made new ones. My host family is wonderful and I love them to death, and same goes for my roommates. My roommates include Brekken (she was in my cast last semester and is now a staff member), Abbey (also in my cast last semester, but is helping teach dance in staging) and lastly is Yazel (she is from Mexico and was a student a year ago, but is now I am so happy and at home with them. We have done some really fun things in the last two weeks such as a pool day with the family, movie nights, delicious family dinners and stories, a very cool prayer sort of thing before dinner (they are Jewish/Christian), a day at the water park, and a fun night at the a Colorado Rockies baseball game, plus many little night time outings to get a sweet treat.

            In UWP we have begun the process of staging and meeting and becoming a new cast. Cast B 2013. Arrival day was exciting and fun as usual, and as usual learning 100 new names proved to be difficult. After just one week though I pretty much have them all down. We have some really unique countries represented this semester such as Curacao and South Africa! I have already begun to form friends once again from around the world and I look forward to our next 5 months together. The energy of the group has a great vibe and I cannot wait to see what we do as a cast!

            As staging begins we all undertake the pressure of learning the show as fast as possible, learning about one another and learning the ins and outs of UWP. As second semesters we already know a lot of this so we have some separate workshops where we talk about how we can support each other, the cast and our staff members, as well as take our experience and knowledge from last semester and apply it to our life and this semester.

In the past two weeks we have done a whole lot of stuff. As study abroad students we got to go on regional learning, which included taking a nice hike in the mountains and touring the “Celestial Seasonings Tea Factory”, but things were super interesting and it was nice to get away from studying for a bit and be able to bond as we got to know the Denver area as well. We also did a CI on our last day together before the rest of the cast arrived which we enjoyed thoroughly and got a ton of work done. We are a great team.

The next week when the cast arrived we things of course picked up quite a bit. As second semesters we were able to participate in performing in the Opening Session (sort of like a mini show) and that was crazy fun! The first week with the cast consisted of icebreaker workshops, getting to know each other and the program and plowing through learning the music and dances in the show. All in all it was less stressful this time around, but the challenge a lot of us second semesters faced was the feeling of needing to let go of last cast and open up to the new one. A lot of adapting and pushing out of our comfort zones! 

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