Thursday, June 20, 2013

Pictures from Week #22 - San Luis Potosi, Mexico

Hello to our last city of Mexico! San Luis Potosi make it a good last week!

Such wonderful roommates :)

My last host family until next semester!

Just having fun ...

Male Appreciation Day - we treated them right :)
Last FSC meeting we had to make ice cream castles... obviously!

Last home team group shot!

My big brothers :)


Last green room - we had to have a big pile up picture!

Same show costumes all semester :)

Last show... dry your tears!

My swedish rock star Robin!

Breakfast from our sponsor.
Our table just happened to be full of award winners :)

The 3 american girls and our favorite Mexican boys :)

Some of the best teachers ever... esp. in the categories of fun and tech!

Oh Mexicans and their kisses :)

FSC looking real fine!

My Johnny Boy... I love you so :)

From beginning to end - never parted :)


Robin ... wow I am going to miss our times of extreme laughter and joy!

The Triumphant Trio!

Cast A's last dance...

Happy as peas in a pod! Cast A 2013!
The few people who remained in Mexico... what a big ole group we are.

Snuggle time... soaking up our last moments together.

The VIP movie theaters are epic in Mexico!

Two triple stacks: 1 pile of Mexican boys and 1 American girls.

I made a new friend - an adorable babe.

Pool day!

Proud parents... sending our Molly out on a date!

The final students of Cast A before leaving Mexico.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Pictures from Week #21 - Queretaro, Mexico

Bus date - the one and only Grant Hamilton

My two totally crazy girlfriends!

Robin and I really feeling the Mexican come out in us!

Oh did I not mention that we HAD to wear these yellow shirts everyday all week?
Well we did :)

Bienvenidos a Queretaro!

We don't really look like tourists right?

Yay to my favorite type of photo! A jumping picture!
Female appreciation day - do the guys look dapper or what?

3rd round interns unite! Circulitos!

Last FSC day before the professors come!

Carpooling Mexican style!

Roommate Linnea (Sweden) and Claudia( Mexico)!

Out with some Uppies at a bar with a wonderful live hard rock cover band!

Out sals dancing with our host parents!

Ping pong with my little host brother Leon

Coolest scooter thing ever!

Our host family came to visit us from two weeks ago bringing us dolls of luck! We were all teary eyes once again when we had to bid farewell a second time!

Yay host family!